Pond Supplies, Installation & Maintenance Company
Our focus is on helping you to create the perfect water feature, backyard pond, koi pond, pondless waterfalls, decorative fountain or landscape lighting.
We began installing ponds in 1995. We were Pittsburgh’s Premier “Authorized Aquascape Distributor” from 2010 until recently, when we decided that we wanted to offer installations and maintenance of waterfeatures. As a distributor, this is not preferred so we elected to make a change in our business model and put our 25 yrs. of experience to benefit the public. You can now come directly to the experts, the place where all of the installers came for their products and knowledge. We still have the products, but now you can come directly to the source for maintenance services and installations of ponds, fountainscapes and pondless waterfalls.

Garden or Backyard Ponds are built with the world famous Aquascape Ecosystem of components and can be either a complete pond kit, ready to go with all pond pumps, Biofalls® pond filters and Aquascape pond skimmers, hose/tubing and everything else that you’ll need to build the perfect pond!

Pond Filters
Aquascape BioFalls® Filters are the original as well as the most cutting edge water garden filtration system available. It cleans your water feature using natural means and allows you to blend your filter into a beautiful, simple to build waterfalls. Making maintenance much simpler and eliminating the use to any toxic chemicals.
Aquascape originated the pond skimmer and continues to innovate. The latest versions of our patented pond skimmers make installations simpler, maintenance faster and easier and give you the ability to completely hide your pump from sight and sound. Never build a pond without one of our pond skimmers!
We’ve got one the largest selections of waterfall pumps in Direct -Drive, Mag-Drive and Hybrid-Drive. Each type is designed for a different type of duty and if you have large, custom project we can spec out a pump and special order it for you.
Skip The Pond?
Pondless Waterfalls have become all the rage due to their natural beauty and minimal maintenance.The Aquascape Pondless Waterfall Kit has the proper components to build your ideal pondless waterfall.
Our warehouse has 45 mil fish-safe rubber pond liner and you can buy in either full rolls, or we can cut it to size. Our pond liner lasts for decades if installed properly and we can advise you one the proper way.
We also have heavy duty pond liner underlayment. This is a geo-textile fabric that is designed to protect your liner from underneath as well as to allow gasses to gradually seep out rather than build up under the liner and cause bubbles. Underlayment is faster, less costly, more durable and longer lasting that any other alternative method and is the only solution that we recommend to protect and maintain your pond or pondless waterfall.
Fountain Scapes
Decorative Fountains have become a very popular addition to both interiors and landscapes. We can provide you with a wide selection of fountains and decorative features, just give us a call and describe your project!
Re-Using Rain Water
Rainwater Harvesting using the RainExchange® can be done for the basic reason of gathering rainwater or it can be implemented for water replenishment for your pond, poodles waterfall or fountain scape. Fresh rainwater captured from your roof, that would normally be run-off water and make it’s way to a stream can be captured and used to water your plants or maintain your pond level, fill your pondlesss waterfall or your fountains. Water is stored below ground in a vault created by excavating, lining and then filling the space with AquaBlox® Water Storage Modules.
Wetland Pond Filters
We can also help you to create a Wetland Filter, designed to filter naturally using plants and natural bacterias to cleanse the water and our components. The components of a larger wetland filter system are the Snorkel® Vault, Large Centipede® Module and AquaBlox® and then some natural materials like rocks and gravel as well as plants.
Not only are we the largest provider of pond supplies in Pittsburgh, but we’ve got the knowledge and “hands-on” experience to assist you with your bid or complete any project that you’d like. We began in this industry in 1996 building ponds and waterfalls in residential backyards.
That ignited a flame that became a fire when we first attended the premier event of the year in pond building, hosted by Aquascape in Chicago. We participated in several events and a couple of special pond building classes taught by the two most famous pond builders in the world. We spent the next several year building some of the most beautiful waterfalls and ponds in the Pittsburgh Area.
Help and Support
We’re much more than just pond supplies. Helping people who weren’t certain of the right methods and products to use was occurring more and more often and in 2010 the opportunity to become an Authorized Aquascape Distributor was presented and accepted. We’re now providing pond supplies and fountains as well as offering 23+ yrs. of experience and expertise to builders and owners of ponds, waterfalls and fountain scapes though out the Pittsburgh areas that we serve.
Just Add Water
Every landscape can benefit greatly by the addition of water. It attracts life, adds sound and creates a relaxing, tranquil atmosphere. Let us help you to make your next design, better than it could ever be!
If you’ve got something in mind, give us a call or complete the “FREE QUOTE” form and we’ll work out the details for you. Got something extremely large in mind? No worries, we’ve got lots of experience there as well. We can help you with the design specifications and materials estimates so that you have the proper sizes and quantities and your project functions properly. We can also special order PVC or polyliner in very large sizes.
Learning With The Pro’s
The best way to learn how to use the right tools, right products and right techniques is to attend a “hands-on” event, taught by the best builders in the industry! Every year, we host events to help contractors and occasionally some retailers to build and sell the best ponds and water features in Pittsburgh. Attend our next event and improve your knowledge and skills.
Got a landscape lighting project to complete?
Let us help you with your next lighting project, we’ve got Kichler and Hinkley landscape lighting.
Is your natural pond in need of some TLC? We’ve got you covered there too with Airmax Ecosystems and Aqua Master Fountains and Aerators.

Jay M.
“Paul has been great! He’s helped us with specs to make sure that we had the right products for the job and it made our result incredible. Customers love us because of this.”

The Pond Guy
“Northern Cascade has been a fantastic distributor of our products. Their knowledge and expertise has helped many contractors and retailers to improve their knowledge.”

Tom B.
“They have what I need, I don’t need to go to 5 different places to find it. It’s comforting to know that I have a reliable dealer and one who knows the how-to’s like Paul does.”